Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (603) 358-2280 Admissions Phone : (603) 358-2276 Campus Description: 160-acre campus in Keene, 50 miles from Manchester and 90 miles from Boston. Served by air and bus; major airport serves Windsor Locks, Conn. (75 miles); train serves Brattleboro, Vt. (15 miles). School operates transportation to parking lot.
Past Performance:
Schools Selected by our Graduates: Keene State College, University of Massachusetts, University of New Hampshire, University of NotreDame. Our students hired by: Cheshire Medical Center, Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, IBM, Internal Revenue Service, Kingsbury Corp., Lady Footlocker, Markem Corp., Peace Corps, federal government. Famous Alumni: Frank H. Blackington, president, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Richard Hopwood, retired member, UniversityS. Foreign Service; Joel Maiola, chief of staff for New Hampshire governor; Ernest Hebert, author; Wallace Tripp, originator of PawPrints Cards.