Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (617) 253-4971 Admissions Phone : (617) 253-4791 Campus Description: 154-acre, urban campus in Cambridge, across the Charles River from Boston. Major airport, bus, and train serve Boston. School operates transportation to Wellesley Coll. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 30 fraternities on campus. 50% of the men join a fraternity. 29 of the fraternities have a chapter house. Sororities: We have 5 sororities on campus. 26% of the women join a sorority. 2 of the sororities have a chapter house. Religious Organizations: groups representing all major religious faiths Minority Student Organizations: Black Students Union, National Society of Black Engineers, League ofUnited Chicanos, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, AmericanIndian Science and Engineering Society, other minority student groups Foreign Student Organizations: International Students Association, African, Brazilian, Chinese, Czech,Filipino, Indian, Iranian, Korean, Lebanese, Pakistani, Slovak, SriLankan, Vietnamese, and other foreign student groups Other Student Organizations: chamber groups, glee club, concert band, brass ensemble, orchestra,debating, drama groups, outing and flying clubs, ham radio station,engineering journal, Amnesty International, Gays and Lesbians at MIT,Association of Women Students, political, service, social action, andspecial-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 210 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Tech, published twice per week; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio