Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (434) 791-5890 Admissions Phone : (434) 791-4996 Campus Description: 19-acre campus in Danville, 1 hour from Lynchburg, VA and 45 miles from Greensboro, N.C. Served by air, bus, and train; major airport serves Greensboro. School operates transportation to equestrian center and aviation facilities.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 1 fraternity - Pi Kappa Phi on campus. 2% of the men join a fraternity. Sororities: We have 1 sorority - Phi Sigma Sigma on campus. 4% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Catholic Campus Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Christian Student Union, Averett Gospel Choir Minority Student Organizations: Brothers and sisters in Christ (BASIC) Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Club Other Student Organizations: Cheerleading, Averett Players, Averett Singers, athletic, departmental, service, and special-interest groups, Anime Assoc, Equestrian Club, Science Assoc, Psychology Club, Writers Folio Club, Flying Cougars Total Registered Organizations: 30 Student Activities: Newspaper: Chanticleer, published monthly; Magazine, Student Government Association