Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (617) 745-3712 Admissions Phone : (617) 745-3711 Campus Description: 15-acre, suburban campus in Quincy, six miles from Boston. Major airport, bus, and train serve Boston. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Baptist Student Fellowship, Catholic Student Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, student ministries organization, MinisterialAssociation, summer ministry groups, Evangelicals for Social Action,Women in Ministry Minority Student Organizations: Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Organization Other Student Organizations: a cappella choir, choral union, brass and wind ensembles, concert band,World Student Outreach Society, Association of Women Students, academic,service, and special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Campus Camera, published twice per month; Yearbook; Radio