Religious Organizations:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ (BASIC), Evangelism Club, Howard HighSchool Tutoring, Inner-City Ministry, International Outreach Ministry,Nursing Home Ministry, Prison Ministry, Widows' Outreach Ministry, YoungLife, Church Ministry, Student Venture, Women's Discipleship Forum
Minority Student Organizations:
Foreign Student Organizations:
International Students Organization
Other Student Organizations:
instrumental ensemble, symphonette, brass choir, chorale, madrigal group,interpretive dance group, dance team, drama club, coffeehouse, businessclub, psychology club, aerobics, backpacking, hiking, rafting, and tennisclubs, volunteer fire department, Center for Public Policy, CulturalEvents Committee, Clean Plate Club, Earth Keepers, Rotaract
Total Registered Organizations:
Student Activities:
Government; Newspaper: Bagpipe, published twice per month; Magazine; Yearbook