Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (843) 953-5540 Admissions Phone : (843) 953-5670 Campus Description: 52-acre, urban campus in center of Charleston.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 10 fraternities on campus. 20% of the men join a fraternity. 7 of the fraternities have a chapter house. Sororities: We have 10 sororities on campus. 20% of the women join a sorority. 6 of the sororities have a chapter house. Religious Organizations: Bahai Club, Baptist Student Union, Campus Crusade for Christ, CatholicStudent Union, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Minority Student Organizations: Black Student Association, Student Union for Minority Affairs Foreign Student Organizations: International Club Other Student Organizations: Fine Arts Singers, Madrigal Singers, Center Stage, concert band, concertchoir, wind symphony, jazz, film, and video clubs, literary societies,premedical and prelegal societies, activities board, commuter studentorganization, State Student Legislature, political, sports, and servicegroups Total Registered Organizations: 120 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Cougar Pause, published biweekly; Magazine; Yearbook