Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (610) 526-5245 Admissions Phone : (610) 526-5152 Campus Description: 135-acre, suburban campus in Bryn Mawr, 11 miles from Philadelphia. Major airport, train, and bus serve Philadelphia. School operates transportation to Haverford College and Swarthmore College and weekend transportation to Philadelphia. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, and Islamic groups Minority Student Organizations: Color, Sisterhood, Muertes, Asian Student Association, Southeast AsianWomen, BAHCASA, Barkada Chicana Student Alliance, Native AmericanInitiative and Awareness Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Association Other Student Organizations: chamber music ensemble, chorus, orchestra, debating, theatre workshop,dance group, outing and riding clubs, Bisexual/Gay/Lesbian Alliance,special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 100 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Bi-College News; Bryn Mawr College News; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio