Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (540) 464-7208 Admissions Phone : (540) 464-7211 Campus Description: 134-acre campus in Lexington, 50 miles from Roanoke and 70 miles from Charlottesville. Served by bus; airports serve Roanoke and Lynchburg (50 miles).
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Baptist Student Union, Canterbury Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes,Jewish Cadet Club, Methodist Student Movement, Newman Club, WestminsterFellowship Minority Student Organizations: Promaji (minority student group) Foreign Student Organizations: International Relations Club Other Student Organizations: Cadet Battery, Cadet Program Board, Cadet Ranger Platoon, Civil War RoundTable, College Republicans, Society of Young Democrats, marching, dance,and pep bands, glee club, prelaw society, premed society, scientific andtechnical groups, theatre, debating, special-interest groups Total Registered Organizations: 65 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Cadet, published weekly; Magazine; Yearbook