Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (605) 331-6623 Admissions Phone : (605) 331-6600 Campus Description: 22-acre, suburban campus in Sioux Falls, 180 miles from Omaha, Nebr. Served by air and bus; train serves Omaha. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: Sororities: Religious Organizations: Bible study groups, Campus After Dark, Weekly Chapel, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, You 2, CHAT Minority Student Organizations: Foreign Student Organizations: Other Student Organizations: symphonic band, jazz band, concert chorale, Singing Cameratas, Madrigals,The Coo Revue, drama club, Roister Doister (theatre group), childhoodeducation group, Habitat for Humanity, Future Business Leaders,Nontraditional Student Forum Total Registered Organizations: Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Vessel, published three or four times/semester; Yearbook; Radio; TV