Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (858) 534-4480 Admissions Phone : (858) 534-3160 Campus Description: 1,200-acre campus in La Jolla, 12 miles from downtown San Diego. Major airport serves San Diego; train serves Del Mar (five miles). School operates transportation around campus and to medical center in San Diego. Public transportation serves campus (free to students).
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 14 fraternities on campus. 12% of the men join a fraternity. Sororities: We have 8 sororities on campus. 12% of the women join a sorority. Religious Organizations: Bahai Club, Campus Crusade for Christ, Chi Alpha Fellowship, In TheWorld, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Latter-Day Saints Student Association, Lutheran Community, Navigators, Young Life, other religiousgroups Minority Student Organizations: African-American Student Union, Asian/Pacific Islander group, HawaiiClub, Korean-American Association, MEChA, Native American StudentAlliance, other minority student groups Foreign Student Organizations: International Club, Chinese Student Association, Vietnamese StudentAssociation, Sangam Indian Club, other international student groups Other Student Organizations: theatre and music activities, Model UN, Society for Creative Anachronism,Student Affirmative Action Committee Total Registered Organizations: 250 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Guardian, published twice per week; Magazine; Yearbook; Radio; TV