Past Performance
Learning Disability
Financial Aid Phone: (479) 575-3806 Admissions Phone : (479) 575-5346 Campus Description: 420-acre campus in Fayetteville, 110 miles from Tulsa, Okla. Served by air and bus; major airport serves Tulsa. School operates transportation around campus and to local apartment complexes, downtown, and shopping malls. Public transportation serves campus.
Organizations: Fraternities: We have 15 fraternities on campus. 14% of the men join a fraternity. 11 of the fraternities have a chapter house. Sororities: We have 12 sororities on campus. 19% of the women join a sorority. 9 of the sororities have a chapter house. Religious Organizations: Campus Crusade for Christ, Chi Alpha, Christ on Campus, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, other religious groups Minority Student Organizations: Association of Black Journalists, Black Student Association, DisabledStudents Association, Latinos Unidos, Native American StudentAssociation, National Association of Black Accountants, National Societyof Black Engineers, Black Law Students Association Foreign Student Organizations: International Student Organization, African, Arab, Chinese, German,Indian, Laotian, Malaysian, Russian, Singaporean, Vietnamese, and otherinternational student groups Other Student Organizations: chorus, band, orchestra, entertainment clubs, Gay/Lesbian/BisexualStudent Associaton, academic, professional, service, and special-interestgroups Total Registered Organizations: 250 Student Activities: Government; Newspaper: Arkansas Traveler, published three times/week; Yearbook; Radio; TV